The importance of meter
I started this website because I believe too little attention is given to Shakespeare’s use of meter. His artistry in this is at its peak in the Sonnets. When I wrote my variorum edition I made more comments about meter than most editors (see review on home page), but it still fell short of what I felt was needed. I have now written a new edition, Shakespeare’s Sonnets Among His Private Friends (in production). My initial intention was to include a section on the meter of each sonnet and how it interacts with meaning and emotion. I thought better of that plan when I discovered it would add about 50 pages to the length of the book. I also felt it would interfere with the flow of the narrative. So I have taken all of that material and placed it here. I hope all those interested in the Sonnets, Shakespeare, poetry and meter will find this site and feel that it is useful. I have certainly found it has helped me more fully appreciate the Sonnets. Much of what I have come to understand about Shakespeare’s meter I owe to a brilliant book by George T. Wright—Shakespeare’s Metrical Art (see reading list). I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about the subject. He writes intelligently and beautifully. I hope you enjoy what I have to say in my notes on meter and in my blog.